Supported data types in C#

The following table illustrates how the IEC 61131‑3 data types are linked to the .Net framework and to C#, respectively.

Note: Variables of data types that are marked with a + in the Attribute mandatory column must have the (otherwise optional) attribute DataType for unambiguous assignment.

IEC 61131-3 data type .Net framework data type C# data type Attribute mandatory
BOOL System.Boolean bool
SINT System.SByte sbyte
BYTE System.Byte byte +
USINT System.Byte byte
INT System.Int16 short
DINT System.Int32 int
LINT System.Int64 long
UINT System.UInt16 ushort
UDINT System.UInt32 uint
ULINT System.UInt64 ulong
WORD System.UInt16 ushort +
DWORD System.UInt32 uint +
LWORD System.UInt64 ulong +
REAL System.Single float
LREAL System.Double double
TIME System.Int32 int +
LTIME System.Int64 long +
LDATE System.Int64 long +
LTIME_OF_DAY System.Int64 long +
LDATE_AND_TIME System.Int64 long +
DWORD System.UInt32 uint +
LWORD System.UInt64 ulong +
STRING System.Iec61131Lib.IecStringEx
WSTRING (from 2021.6) System.Iec61131Lib.IecWString (from 2021.6)
ANY System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_MAGNITUDE System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_NUM System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_INT System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_SIGNED System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_UNSIGNED System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_REAL System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_BIT System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_ELEMENTARY System.Iec61131Lib.Any +
ANY_STRING System.Iec61131Lib.Any +




• Published/reviewed: 2025-02-17  ☃  Revision 077 •