Library Description

In the project tree you will find the file LibraryDescription.xml in the ProjectItems section.

The file contains additional description for the POUs and their formal parameters which are shown as tool tips. It also enables the structuring of POUs into groups.

For supporting different languages, the description file can be localized. You have to create separate files for each language and add it to the ProjectsItems section. The file name must have the format LibraryDescription[<culture>].xml, where <culture> represents the culture code, e.g. en, en-US, de, fr, zh-CN. By default the file LibraryDescription.xml is used without culture code.

  • POUs of type function, function block and programs can be listed in the library description file. Additionally parameters for functions and function blocks can be specified.
  • The element ProgramOrganizationUnit can be used to describe POUs.
  • The element ToolboxCategory is used for structuring. This must be referred in the ProgramOrganizationUnit.
  • The element FormalParameter is used for defining Inputs and Outputs. The Output name for a function is the function name itself.
  • A toolbox category may use the separator \ for structuring a POU in subfolders.
  • POUs that shall not be shown to the user in PLCnext Engineer may use the category Hidden.
  • Data types cannot be listed, since in PLCnext Engineer they are listed on worksheets, which is not available for binary DLLs. They can be accessed through intellisense though.
  • POUs without a category will be shown at root level. Tooltips are still shown.


• Published/reviewed: 2024-09-24   ☀  Revision 073 •