RSC IDataLoggerService2

Available from 2020.6


The DataLogger is a service component that transfers real-time data from the GDS to a database for recording and storage purposes. When starting and stopping the PLCnext Technology firmware, a configured DataLogger session is started and stopped automatically. The DataLogger then collects the task-synchronous values of the configured GDS ports with a given sampling rate and stores them with a time stamp into a database. To learn more about the DataLogger in general, read the DataLogger topic.

A DataLogger instance can be configured with a configuration file, or by means of PLCnext Engineer (firmware 2020.6 or higher), or with the RSC IDataLoggerService2 as described in this topic. 

Note: DataLogger sessions initiated via this RSC service will not perform the Download Changes command in PLCnext Engineer!

This is true even if sessions are not currently running but are created already. 

The blocking is indicated by an Arp.Services.DataLogger.Error notification, containing the payload string: "Dynamic session detected! Download rejected!".

Unlike sessions that are started via this RSC service, sessions that are created via an XML configuration or in PLCnext Engineer are continued even after a Download All operation.

Further information on the IDataLoggerService2 can be found in the API documentation.

Using the RSC IDataLoggerService2

The IDataLoggerService2 can be used to manage DataLogger sessions and retrieve diagnostic or status information during firmware runtime. 

You need the following header to use this service; include it via the #include command:

  • Arp\Services\DataLogger\Services\IDataLoggerService2.hpp

Requesting a list of subscribed sessions



void IDataLoggerService2::ListSessionNames(ListSessionNamesResultDelegate resultDelegate)

The ListSessionNames method can be used to request a list with the names of all created DataLogger sessions. Note: This method might list also sessions beginning with PCWE_ which are created by the PLCnext Engineer.

Adding a session dynamically



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::CreateSession(const RscString<512>& sessionName, bool persistent);

A new, empty session can be created using the  CreateSession method.

Note: A dynamically added session will be deleted automatically during the next Download All or when the controller is rebooted. As long as any dynamically added session exists, the Download Changes command in PLCnext Engineer will be rejected, even if the session is not running.  


The following parameters are required when creating a new session:

  • sessionName: Name for the new session. The name must be unique. Must not begin with PCWE_ which is reserved by the PLCnext Engineer.
  • persistent:
    • false (default value): When the attribute is set to false, the session will be deleted when the controller is disconnected.
    • true: When it is set to true, the session remains active until it is deleted.

Error codes

Code Description
ErrorCode::None Creating of the new session was successful.
ErrorCode::AlreadyExists A session with the same name already exists.
ErrorCode::OutOfMemory There is not enough memory space available to create a new session.
ErrorCode::Unspecified A session could not be added.

Removing a session dynamically



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::RemoveSession(const RscString<512>& sessionName)

An existing session can be removed using the RemoveSession method. A session can also be removed if it is in the SessionState::Running state. The  method requires the name of the session to be removed as parameter.


  • sessionName: Name of the session to be removed

Error codes

Code Description
ErrorCode::None The session was removed from the system.
ErrorCode::NoSuchSession A session with the specified name does not exist.
ErrorCode::Unspecified An error occurred when removing the session.

Changing a session configuration



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::ConfigureSession(const RscString<512>& sessionname, const std::vector<SessionProperty>& properties)
ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::GetSessionConfiguration(const RscString<512>& sessionname, std::vector<SessionProperty>& properties, boolean& isPersistent)

The ConfigureSession method can be used to change the configuration of a session. Changes include the publishing rate and sampling rate as well as the buffer capacity. A list of attributes for configuring the DataLogger session can be found here.
Note: To change the configuration, a session must not be in SessionState::Running.

The current configuration of a session can be requested using the GetSessionConfiguration method that has the same parameters and error codes.


The following parameters are required:

  • sessionName: Name of the session to be configured
  • isPersistent (only available with GetSessionConfiguration): Returns if the session will remain (true) when the connection to the server is closed or not. This configuration can be set with the CreateSession method described above.
  • properties: List of SessionProperty elements that make up the session configuration
    • SessionPropertyName:  In order to configure a session there are some special elements to set up.  A SessionProperty consists of a pair of SessionPropertyName and its value:
      • SamplingInterval
        The desired sampling rate. Can either be provided as Int64 which will be interpreted as microseconds count, or as string containing the actual unit, e.g. "100ms".
      • TaskContext (available from 2021.6 or newer)
        The name of an ESM task which samples the values of all variables of this session, e.g. taskContext="myTaskName"
        This attribute is optional. If it is configured the samplingInterval attribute will be ignored.
      • PublishingInterval 
        The rate in which values are written to the session's sink. Can either be provided as Int64 which will be interpreted as microseconds count or as string containing the actual unit, e.g. "100ms".
      • BufferCapacity
        Amount of records buffered in the underlying ring buffer as Uint16 (for more information on this, see DataLogger concept). E.g., an amount of 10 for a session recording the variables A and B means that 10 data records containing the values of Timestamp,  variable A, variable B, isConsistent and RecordType can be buffered before older records are overwritten.
      • SinkType
        The type of sink used by the session; possible values are:
        • SinkType::Database:  Sink using an SQLite-based database to store the recordings permanently.
        • SinkType::Volatile:  Sink used to store data in RAM within the application. If the controller is switched off or is restarted, the data will be lost.Access via file system is not possible with the volatile sink. Variables of this sink type can only be queried using Remote Service Calls (RSC) via ReadVariablesData ( see here for details). 
      • SinkProperties
        The sink properties are given as a string in which several properties are separated by semicolon. Note: The maximum capacity of the string for setting sink properties is limited to 512 bytes. If the complete string exceeds this limit, the properties have to be split in two or more separate strings and passed as elements of the properties array to ConfigureSession.
        Each property starts with a property keyword followed by an equal sign and the according setting. The property keywords correspond to the XML attributes of the <DataSink> element in the file-based configuration. The following property keywords can be specified:
        Keyword SinkType Description



        Specifies if file rolling is activated. true = file-rolling is active. If not specified, the default is false.



        Specifies amount of records until data is flushed. If not specified, the default value is 1000.



        Specifies maximal capacity of a single file, or the maximal capacity of the volatile sink in bytes. The default value is 5000000 (~5MB).
        Note: The maximum permissible value for maxFileSize for volatile sinks is set to 150,000,000 bytes (~150 MB). If you specify a larger value, an error message and notification is generated but the session configuration will be kept anyway.



        Specifies the maximal amount of files until rolled files are deleted. Default is -1 which means unlimited.

        dst SinkType::Database

        File path and name under which the data sink is to be stored.

        Note: The DataLogger does not create folders. If you want to store a data sink under a specific path, you have to create it first. 



        Specifies if only changes are stored (true) or every value (false).
        If not specified, the default value is false.



        Specifies amount of data in % which will be deleted if maxFileSize is reached. Oldest data will be deleted first.



        Specifies the format of the timestamp. Allowed values are Raw for auint64 format value, or Iso8601 .


Database sink configuration:

SessionPropertyName Value
SinkType SinkType::Database
SinkProperties "writeInterval=1000;dst=/opt/plcnext/test.db;rollover=true;maxFiles=25"

Volatile sink configuration:

SessionPropertyName Value
SinkType SinkType::Volatile
SinkProperties "storeChangesOnly=true;maxFileSize=5000000"

Error codes

Code Description
ErrorCode::None The configuration was successfully changed.
ErrorCode::NoSuchSession A session with the specified name does not exist.
ErrorCode::NotSupported Changing the parameter after initial configuration is not supported.
ErrorCode::InvalidConfig One of the assigned properties does not meet the component limits or the type of the property value is invalid. See log file for more information.
ErrorCode::SessionRunning Session is not in SessionState::Stopped but is currently active
( SessionState::Stopped is required to change the configuration).

All values of a session are reconfigurable but the setting SinkType::Undefined or SinkType::Empty for the session property SinkType will cause the service call to return ErrorCode::InvalidConfig.

Adding and removing variables and ports



void IDataLoggerService2::SetVariables(const RscString<512>& sessionName, SetVariablesVariableNamesDelegate variableNamesDelegate, SetVariablesResultDelegate resultDelegate)

New variables can be added or removed using the SetVariables method. A maximum of 996 variables per session is allowed. 

The session must not be in the SessionState::Running when calling the method. If the session is in the SessionState::Running state, the ErrorState::SessionRunning error code is returned when calling the method.  

The method SetVariables first empties the list of recorded variables. Next the variables specified by the variableNamesDelegate parameter are added to the list of recorded variables. If the old list differs from the current list, then the DataLogger will create a new table in the data base. The old table is retained. Take this into account in view of the maximum file size. When SetVariables is called again with the original variable list, the previous table is continued.

To specify a new list of variables, you can also apply the SetVariables method to a DataLogger session out of a file-based configuration. In the file-based DataLogger session, the Download Changes command is not rejected. However, the added variables are lost when applying Download Changes, and the variable list as configured in the XML file will be recorded unchanged further on.



The following parameters are required:

  • sessionName: Name of the session to which variables are to be added.
  • variableNames: Name of the variables to be added to the session.

Error codes

 Code  Description
ErrorCode::None Adding/removing the variables was successful.
ErrorCode::SessionRunning Currently, the session is in the SessionState::Running state and can therefore not be reconfigured.
ErrorCode::NoSuchSession A session with the specified name does not exist.
ErrorCode::NotSupported The DataLogger does not support the data type of the variables.
ErrorCode::NoSuchVariable The specified variable does not exist in the current project.
ErrorCode::Unspecified The variable cannot be added or removed for some unknown reason.

Starting/stopping the recording

StartSession(),  StopSession()


ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::StartSession(const RscString<512>& sessionName)
ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::StopSession(const RscString<512>& sessionName)

Recording of variables and ports during runtime can be started or stopped using the StartSession or StopSession method. If the session is in the state SessionState::Stopped, and the PLCnext Engineer software performs a cold restart, warm restart, or hot restart, the session is automatically restarted.


The following  parameter is required:

  • sessionName: Name of the session to be started or stopped

Error codes

Code Description
ErrorCode::None The session has been started or stopped.
ErrorCode::NoSuchSession A session with the specified name does not exist.
ErrorCode::Unspecified The session could not be started or stopped.

Requesting status information



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::GetSessionState(const RscString<512>& sessionName, SessionState& state)

The GetSessionState method can be used to obtain information on the status of a session. The method requires the name of the session of which the status is to be requested as parameter. 


The following parameters are required:

  • sessionName: Name of the session whose status is to be queried
  • state: Container for the session state. If the session does not exist the returned value is SessionState::None.

Requesting logged variables of a session



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::GetLoggedVariables(const RscString<512>& sessionName, GetLoggedVariablesInfosDelegate infosDelegate)

The GetLoggedVariables method can be used to request a list of information on the currently logged variables of a session.


The following parameters are required:

  • sessionName: Name of the session 
  • infos: Iterator which can be used to list logged variables after successful call

Requesting historical data



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::ReadVariablesData(const RscString<512>& sessionName, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, ReadVariablesDataVariableNamesDelegate variableNamesDelegate, ReadVariablesDataValuesDelegate valuesDelegate)

It is possible to request historical data of a variable for a defined period. To do so, enter a start and end timepoint manually or call the method with service->ReadVariablesData(„TestSession“, Arp::DateTime(0), Arp::DateTime(0), and so on (Arp::DateTime(0) is the Iso8601 format for 0001-01-01T00:00:00.000000)

All the values recorded for this period will be transmitted. 

Note: This method can only access data stored in RAM. In case of multiple database files (rollover=true), older data which persists in already closed files cannot be accessed by an RSC service. The names of these files can be retrieved by GetRotatedFileNames method.

The ReadVariablesData method can be used to request the data of the specified variables together with the associated time stamps. The data record created in this way contains the values in a static order without any additional information. The data record begins with a time stamp followed by the value of the specified variable. 


The following parameters are required:

  • sessionName: Name of the session
  • startTime: Start time of the data to be read
  • endTime: End time of the data to be read
  • variableNames: Names of the variables whose data is to be read.
  • values: enumerator that stores the read values.


Variables a1 and a2 of task A as well as variable b1 of task B are to be read. 
The following values are returned:
time stamp of task A, a1, a2, b1, consistent flag, record type
time stamp of task B, a1, a2, b1, consistent flag, record type

The consistent flag indicates if there is a data inconsistency due to recording gaps caused by performance problems or memory overflow. Click here for more information on this flag.

Record type specifies whether the recording is continuous (RecordType::Continuous = 1) or trigger-based. The trigger-based recording differs whether the record was recorded before, after or when a trigger was fulfilled (RecordType::PreCycle, RecordType::Trigger, RecordType::PostCycle).

The number of returned data sets depends on the start and end time. The following timepoint constellations can be applied:

Start timepoint End timepoint Description
0 0 All available data sets will be returned
0 x All available data sets <= x will be returned
x 0 All available data sets >= x will be returned
x x Data set with index x will be returned
x y All available data sets between x and y (including x and y) will be returned
y x All available data sets between x and y (including x and y) will be returned in reversed order

Further information on the database layout can be found here.

Requesting the session membership of a port



void IDataLoggerService2::GetSessionNames(const RscString<512>& variablename, GetSessionNamesResultDelegate resultDelegate)

The GetSessionNames method can be used to request the names of all the sessions that monitor a specific variable. If more than one session monitors the variable, the result list is automatically sorted according to the sampling rate of the session. Note: This method might list also sessions beginning with PCWE_ which are created by the PLCnext Engineer.


The following parameter is required:

  • variablename: Name of the variable for which the associated sessions are to be listed

Providing file names



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::GetRotatedFileNames(const RscString<512>& sessionname, GetRotatedFileNamesFilenamesDelegate filenamesDelegate)

The GetRotatedFileNames method can be used to request a list with file names that were created by a session during recording of variable values. The method requires the name of the session as well as a Delegate that informs the user about the file names. File names are only output for sessions in which one or more new files were created after the maximum permissible file size was reached. Only the already completed files are shown (suffix 0, 1, 2 in the file name). The name of the files that are currently being written by the session are not returned. 


The following parameters are required:

  • sessionName: Name of the session from which the file names are to be requested
  • filenames: Iterator to list the names of all rotated files if the call is successful

Error codes

Code Description
ErrorCode::None The method was executed successfully.
ErrorCode::NoSuchSession A session with the specified name does not exist.
ErrorCode::NoData A data sink has not yet been configured. 

Adding a trigger condition to a session



ErrorCode IDataLoggerService2::SetTriggerCondition(const RscString<512>& sessionName, const RscString<512>& taskName, uint16 preCycleCount, uint16 postCycleCount, SetTriggerConditionTriggerConditionDelegate triggerConditionDelegate)

With a trigger you can link the data recording of a session to a defined condition. The data recording is started or stopped when the trigger condition is met. With the method SetTriggerCondition you can add a trigger condition to a session.


The following parameters are required: 

  • sessionName:  Name of the session to which a trigger condition is to be added.
  • taskName: Name of the task in which the trigger condition is evaluated. 
  • preCycleCount:  Amount of datasets recorded before the condition was triggered.
  • postCycleCount: Amount of datasets recorded after the condition is triggered (0 = endless).
  • triggerCondition: List of trigger items. All items are evaluated in the order of their position inside the list.

Error codes

Code Description
ErrorCode::None Adding the trigger condition to the session was successful.
ErrorCode::NoSuchVariable The specified variable does not exist.
ErrorCode::NotSupported The specified variable type is not supported.
ErrorCode::InvalidConfig An invalid operation was queried
ErrorCode::OutOfMemory The memory to store the specified cycles could not be allocated
ErrorCode::Error An unspecified error occurred. 


In the following example, MySession will only be recording data if the value of the MyProgramInstance.Myvariable is true.

In that case, the recording will contain the data of 10 cycles before and 20 cycles after the trigger condition was reached. The data will be evaluated in the ESM task MyTask.

const Arp::String sessionname = "MySession";
const Arp::String taskname = "MyTask";
std::vector<TriggerRpnItem> rpn;
TriggerRpnItem item;
item.Type = RpnItemType::Variable;
item.Item = "Arp.Plc.Eclr/MyProgramInstance.MyVariable";
item.Type = RpnItemType::Constant;
item.Item = RscVariant<512>(RscType::Bool);
item.Item = true;
item.Type = RpnItemType::Operation;
item.Item = TriggerConditionOperation::Equals;
using TriggerDelegate = IDataLoggerService2::SetTriggerConditionTriggerConditionDelegate;
TriggerDelegate delegate = TriggerDelegate::create([&](IRscWriteEnumerator<TriggerRpnItem>& enumerator)
    for (const auto& entry : rpn)
ErrorCode error = this->dataLoggerService->SetTriggerCondition(sessionname, taskname, 10, 20, delegate);




• Published/reviewed: 2025-02-17  ☃  Revision 077 •