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Phoenix Contact reserves the right to alter, correct, and/or improve the technical documentation and the products described in the technical documentation at its own discretion and without giving prior notice, insofar as this is reasonable for the user. The same applies to any technical changes that serve the purpose of technical progress.

The receipt of technical documentation (in particular user documentation) does not constitute any further duty on the part of Phoenix Contact to furnish information on modifications to products and/or technical documentation. You are responsible to verify the suitability and intended use of the products in your specific application, in particular with regard to observing the applicable standards and regulations. All information made available in the technical data is supplied without any accompanying guarantee, whether expressly mentioned, implied or tacitly assumed.

In general, the provisions of the current standard Terms and Conditions of Phoenix Contact apply exclusively, in particular as concerns any warranty liability. 


This manual, including all illustrations contained herein, is copyright protected. Any changes to the contents or the publication of extracts of this document is prohibited.

Phoenix Contact reserves the right to register its own intellectual property rights for the product identifications of Phoenix Contact products that are used here. Registration of such intellectual property rights by third parties is prohibited.

Other product identifications may be afforded legal protection, even where they may not be indicated as such.


For trademarks owned by Phoenix Contact see Legal information.

These product names used in this website are trademarks of the respective owners:

  • Microsoft®, Windows®.Net™.NET Core®, and Visual Studio® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
  • Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States of America and other countries.
  • Intel®Intel Atom® x5‑E3930 and Intel® Core™ i5‑6300U are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.
  • Arm®, Cortex®, Arm® Cortex®‑A9Arm® Cortex®‑A8, and Arm® Cortex®‑A6 are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates).
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  • Grafana® is a registered trademark of Grafana Labs.
  • Docker® is a registered trademark of Docker, Inc.

Licensing information on open source software

Controllers of the PLCnext Control product family work with a Linux® operating system.
All license information can be called using the Legal Information link on every page of the Web-based Management (WBM) on every PLCnext Control:

  • Click on the Legal Information link in the bottom left of the WBM page.
    ↪ Licenses for all of the open source software used are shown.

How to contact us

Your questions, hints, and feedback are always welcome. Do not hesitate to connect with other PLCnext Technology users around the world, and our passionate PLCnext Technology support team at Phoenix Contact.

  • For development-related questions or hints, visit the Forum section in the PLCnext Community;
    to post your questions or findings, please register (no costs, no ads).
  • For further product information, application, and use cases, contact your local Phoenix Contact subsidiary. Contact information is available at Worldwide locations page of the Phoenix Contact website.
  • For feedback to this information platform, please send an email to the authors.

Up-to-date information on Phoenix Contact products and our Terms and Conditions can be found on the Internet at

Make sure you always use the latest documentation that is available for your products. It can be downloaded at your products at

Published by

Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG
Flachsmarktstraße 8
32825 Blomberg

Phoenix Contact Development and Manufacturing, Inc.
586 Fulling Mill Road
Middletown, PA 17057



• Published/reviewed: 2024-09-24   ☀  Revision 073 •