Java RSC API ‒ Overview

The Java RSC API will soon be replaced by a better solution. Therefore the support for this tool is already discontinued. If you decide to use the Java RSC API anyway you'll be on your own.


The purpose of this section is to enable you creating Java™ applications and communicate with PLCnext Technology RSC services.
Java knowledge is required. 

The sub project com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting (Java module: com.phoenixcontact.ade.commonremoting) contains the API to communicate with the RSC gateway of a PLCnext device.

The module com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting.implementation (Java module: com.phoenixcontact.ade.commonremotingimpl) is an implementation of the API to communicate with the RSC gateway of a PLCnext device and execute remote service calls.

com.phoenixcontact.rsc.common (Java module: com.phoenixcontact.arp.system.rsc) uses the API implementation to communicate with the RSC gateway of a PLCnext device and contains certificates and classes for the validation of the SSL connection.

And the public RSC service interfaces are inside the (Java module:

Project dependencies

  • The Java RSC API for Windows or for Linux must already be installed on your computer; it can't be downloaded from the Phoenix Contact website any more. 
  • The projects provide logging through the logging framework Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) which is distributed under the MIT-License
  • The Arp.System.Rsc project uses the Bouncy Castle library to validate certificates in accordance to the chain validity model.
    Bouncy Castle is distributed under the MIT-License
Project Dependencies
com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)
com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting.implementation Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting
com.phoenixcontact.rsc.common Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting, com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting.implementation,
Bouncy Castle (bcprov, bctls, bcpkix) (optional) com.phoenixcontact.commonremoting

The projects are build for Java 8 and Java 9 as multi-release JAR.

The API implementation does not support remote service calls that exceed the size of 2 GB.




• Published/reviewed: 2025-02-17  ☃  Revision 077 •