eUA Client diagnostics

Available from firmware version 2024.6


Diagnostic information of the eUA Client is accessible via the eUA Server. The eUA Client object can be found in the server address space by the following path:

Root → Objects → DeviceSet → Controller type (for example AXC F 2152) → eUAClient  

UA expert

The eUAClient object has a License variable that informs about a valid license or an expiring trial time in case if no valid license is installed.
A list of connection objects provides statistics and diagnostic information about each configured connection.
Each connection object informs about the current connection status code (ConnectionState) and it retains the last bad status code (LastConnectionError).
Several counters can be used to detect sporadic or permanent connection failures and reconnects.
On each connection there is a list of its configured variable groups. Each of these groups is identified by its GroupType and desired CycleTime. The name of the variable group is automatically generated based on this information.
The variable CurrentStatus contains the status code of the last service call. 
UpdateCount of a Subscribe group informs about the number of notifications from the server. UpdateCount of a Write group informs about the updates from local variables. These variables are not necessarily written to the remote server. To determine the last transmission to the remote server the variable LastUpdated can be used.
The variable UnresolvedVariables can help finding issues with invalid NodeIds or variables that do not exist anymore.

eUAClient information model


  • Namespace:
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Publication date: 2024-01-29T10:28:09
  • Depends on: version: 1.05.03 (2023-12-15T00:00:00)

Object types


Statistical information about a connection of the eUA Client

Attribute Value
BrowseName eUAClientConnectionType
IsAbstract False

eUAClientConnectionType is a SubType of 0:BaseObjectType.

Reference NodeClass BrowseName DataType TypeDefinition Other Description
0:HasComponent Method Connect M Not supported do not use.
0:HasComponent Variable ConnectionState 0:String 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO StatusCode of the last communication with the remote server.
0:HasComponent Variable CumulatedConnectErrorCount 0:UInt32 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO Incrementing counter connection failures.
0:HasComponent Variable CumulatedConnectionCount 0:UInt32 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO Incrementing counter which can be used to observe reconnection issues.
0:HasComponent Variable CumulatedSessionCount 0:UInt32 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO Incrementing counter which can be used to observe reconnection issues.
0:HasComponent Method Disconnect M Not supported do not use.
0:HasProperty Variable EndpointUrl 0:String 0:PropertyType M, RO Url of the connected server.
0:HasComponent Variable IsConnected 0:Boolean 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO True if there is currently a healthy connection.
0:HasComponent Variable LastConnectError 0:StatusCode 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO The retained last error (status might be good again).
0:HasComponent Method ResetCounter M Not supported do not use.
0:HasComponent Object VariableGroups 0:FolderType M Folder with a list diagnostic information for the configured variable groups.

Additional References

  • VariableGroups -- 0:HasComponent --> <VariableGroup>


eUA Client configuration and diagnostics

Attribute Value
BrowseName eUAClientType
IsAbstract False

eUAClientType is a SubType of 0:BaseObjectType.

Reference NodeClass BrowseName DataType TypeDefinition Other Description
0:HasComponent Object Configurations 0:FolderType O Configured connections of the eUA Client.
0:HasComponent Object Connections 0:FolderType M Connections with diagnostic information.
0:HasProperty Variable License eUAClientLicenseState 0:PropertyType M, RO Information about a valid license or the state if an expiring trial license.

Additional References

  • Configurations -- 0:HasComponent --> <Configuration>
  • Connections -- 0:HasComponent --> <Connection>


Statistical information about a variable group of the eUA Client

Attribute Value
BrowseName eUAClientVariableGroupType
IsAbstract False

eUAClientVariableGroupType is a SubType of 0:BaseObjectType.

Reference NodeClass BrowseName DataType TypeDefinition Other Description
0:HasComponent Variable CurrentStatus 0:StatusCode 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO StatusCode of the last interaction with the remote server.
0:HasComponent Variable CycleTime 0:Duration 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO Active CycleTime (might be revised when establishing a subscription).
0:HasComponent Variable GroupType eUAClientGroupType 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO Type of variable group.
0:HasComponent Variable LastError 0:StatusCode 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO The retained last error (status might be good again).
0:HasComponent Variable LastUpdated 0:DateTime 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO Timestamp of the last group update.
0:HasComponent Variable UnresolvedVariables 0:String[] 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO List of variables that were not found on the remote server.
0:HasComponent Variable UpdateCount 0:UInt32 0:BaseDataVariableType M, RO Counter that increments on every update of the variable group.

Data Types


Attribute Value
BrowseName eUAClientLicenseState
IsAbstract False

eUAClientLicenseState is a SubType of 0:Enumeration.

Reference NodeClass BrowseName DataType TypeDefinition Other Description
0:HasProperty Variable 0:EnumValues 0:EnumValueType[3] 0:PropertyType RO


This lists describes the used Namespaces along with an index which is used as a prefix within this document.

  • 0:
  • (Namespace of this information model => implicit default index)

Conventions use in this document

The column other in the type definition uses the following abbreviations:

  • RO: Read Only
  • RW: Read Write
  • WO: Write Only
  • O: Optional
  • M: Mandatory
  • OP: Optional Placeholder (0 or more times)
  • MP: Mandatory Placeholder (1 or more times)


• Published/reviewed: 2025-02-17  ☃  Revision 077 •